How to Pack for a Weekend Getaway


     DISCLAIMER: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links. I use most or all of the products listed below and recommend them because they are companies that I have found helpful and trustworthy. Please let me know if you have any questions about anything listed below!

   Welcome back, my friends! This week's post was kind of a last minute planned one, as my family and I decided to do one last summer hurrah before school started again and head over to Oceanside in California!

   We originally just wanted to spend a day at the beach, but we decided to use our vacation credits and stay for a whole weekend (yay, mini vacay)!

   And of course, I decided I'd use this as the perfect opportunity to blog. So, I'm going to be showing you guys my outfits for a beach getaway!

The Items

   For my trip to the beach I decided to go for these few pieces:
   The reason I brought some active clothes is because I am currently training to run a half marathon, so you never know what could happen. I love this active tank top from Old Navy, as it is such a cute and sporty top that can be worn anywhere and with anything, whether you're training (like me) or just shopping at the grocery store (also a sport, if you ask me 😉)! Also, the beach is a perfect place to run, in my opinion!

   And, I decided to bring a couple of accessories:
   Of course, I also packed the essentials for a vacation but other than all of that I was able to fit it all in one big bag! Perfect for a weekend trip, right?

   Also, how fun is this stop-motion gif that I made?! I actually found a program and am obsessed with it! I think it's super cute and fun! Anyway, I digress...

   Now, it's time to jump into each outfit!

Day One


   For day 1 I wanted to wear something that was comfortable yet stylish for the long, three hour drive to Oceanside!

   I am wearing this super cute (and totally California beach worthy!) black tank top and Old Navy's super comfy green linen shorts. I am also wearing my white Converse low tops and threw on a baseball cap (perfect for travelling!) to bring it all together.

   Overall, I thought this outfit was super cute and totally perfect for a summertime weekend at the beach!

Day Two

   Day two, our official day of vacation and a long day at the beach!

   If you've seen my recent post, Outfits to Wear With Swimsuits - A Summer Staple Piece!, then you'll recognize this t-shirt dress! I actually posted it as an outfit to wear with a swimsuit underneath, and boy is it perfect!

   I literally just used this as a cover to wear to and from the beach, but I also wanted to style it up using a little Faith&Fashion flair.

   I am wearing the t-shirt dress with my favorite swimsuit from Target (see Items section) underneath, a chambray shirt around my waist, which also helped for the chilly beach weather, and my footbed sandals, also another beach friendly item! I also wore my favorite seashell anklet for another beachy add-on that is just a perfect little piece, and it's one that I wear all the time.

   This is the perfect outfit to wear to a beach, or just as a super casual and stylish outfit to wear during the summer!

Day Three



   Day three consists of the ride home (insert sad face here), but that doesn't mean we can't be stylish while at it, right?

   To keep my travelling items to a minimum, I decided to reuse what I brought and wear the chambray shirt from day two, and the green shorts from day one.

   Now, you may actually recognize this outfit, as you've seen it in the swimsuit post! Yes, I took my own advice (lol) and wore it to the beach. Well, wore it on the way home, I should say.

   I absolutely love this outfit as well, and am also loving the capsule wardrobe thing going on! If you'd like to see more on capsule wardrobing and how to make a week out of a few outfit items, see my other post, How to Get a Week's Worth of Spring Outfits Out of 5 Basics.

   Well, guys, this post was a lot of fun! I hope you enjoyed it and I hope your summer was fantastic. See y'all next week!


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